911 what's your emergency?

By midwify - 05/01/2015 17:58 - Denmark - Asaa

Today, I gave birth to our first child at home. What was supposed to be a beautiful moment of us peacefully greeting our newborn, ended up with the cops knocking on our door. Apparently me giving birth sounds like a domestic dispute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 313
You deserved it 7 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What did u think you would sound like giving birth?

warning your neighbours would have been a much appreciated act. congratulations all the same


I'm a bit confused. Didn't they know that you were pregnant? You'd have thought they would have checked to see if you were perhaps having pregnancy complications before calling the police. One of my cousins had complications at seven months and was home alone, and her neighbors rushed right in when they heard her yelling. Thankfully they both are ok now! It just seems odd to be that if you heard a pregnant woman in pain, your first thought would be "domestic violence" and not that she might be in trouble.

I don't see how this is an FML. People have misunderstandings all the time. You didn't do anything wrong so just send them on their way.

foxfur 25

Dear god, honey, if it didn't sound like that I'd be worried.

... what did you expect, unless you told them before hand what else could they really think. YDI

Really. Just go to the hospital like normal people.

would sound more like a whale getting butt banged by a swordfish

YDI. After hearing women like you, I was terrified of giving birth. Of course it was hard. I had no pain meds and baby was facing the wrong way. But I spoke normally the whole time and didn't feel the need to scream or cry or anything. It was fine. The fear was the worst part because I was expecting it to be worse than it was. When some women give birth, they really scream unnecessarily.

Oh, yes, you're right. Next time, I'm sure OP will remember not to allow her natural reflex, that is, to scream when in large amounts of pain, to happen, all because one person had a different experience. You're right, she totally deserved it. Moron.

TallMist 32

You really don't understand pain, do you, #106?

You were giving birth, did you thought you'd sound like an angel?

My brother was born at home, but only because the ambulance didn't arrive in time. The noise was awful :(