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A boy can dream

By Anonymous - 16/02/2021 00:30

Today, I told my family about my dreams to get a modern car and house with my girlfriend, since I'm tired of fixing my '90s car and paying for my dad's rent and doing all his housework. They then told me I'm selfish for trying to leave them and that I don't care about them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 214
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't fall for the guilt trip. Get out and live your life.


"Oh no, my son grew up and has a good life and is now trying to leave, how selfish he is for leaving me to live a better life instead of living with me in a worse life"...



"Oh no, my son grew up and has a good life and is now trying to leave, how selfish he is for leaving me to live a better life instead of living with me in a worse life"...

Don't fall for the guilt trip. Get out and live your life.

Tell your family; like you have, they need to grow up and be independent... Like you have become 😎

xxlk4xx 6

just do what makes you happy! its not like you can't go and visit them lol

Yummi_913 18

Don't fall for it. Typical manipulation. They'll throw a fit for a LONG time once you're out, but eventually it gets easier and they get used to their new normal. Just do your gf a favor and don't let them invite themselves over constantly, because they will.

Don't listen, my husband is 31 and has gone nowhere and still lives in a crap house because his family swears they will hate him if he dares to leave. toxic people it sounds like