Teenagers in love
By Anonymous - 09/11/2014 18:23

By Anonymous - 09/11/2014 18:23
By Brittany - 18/06/2012 14:57 - United States
By clean - 16/09/2013 07:51 - Australia - Ashfield
By gag! - 10/12/2022 00:00
By Anonymous - 08/11/2009 04:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/10/2021 20:00
By Anonymous - 20/10/2018 22:00
By Anonymous - 08/06/2013 10:34 - United States - Bessemer
By Anonymous - 19/01/2015 14:34 - United States - Lewiston
By Gahh... - 03/12/2012 05:18 - Canada - Surrey
By summer - 26/03/2021 21:30
Your son is amazing oh my god.
I couldn't disagree more.. Firstly, oral hygiene is no joke and the son should definitely be taking more care of his teeth. Secondly, OP has listed this under the 'kids' category; that makes me think the son is under legal age for sex. He can't even look after his teeth, I doubt he is mature enough to handle sex..
I think #1 is being saractic, at least one would hope. if they aren't #16 then i agree with you. All these FML's about bad hygiene is just sick, and you'd think people would realize we are not living in the medieval times anymore. And that this is the 21st centurey and we made cleaning products for a reason.
The same two girls every post, "blah blah blah ******* retarded shit I'm making up blah blah blah"
You got a problem with who posts on FML's all the time than don't read our comments. Otherwise suck it up buttercup. We all have a right to post here.
Yes we created all these hygiene products to clean with when our bodies actually can do it themselves and we actually upset the balance more with them.
#31 is just saying that a majority of your stuff is not backed up by facts and finds it annoying
#31 omg lmao you made me laugh so hard!! Why are people downvoting that? Lmao
#39, if we didn't ever brush our teeth they'd rot very quickly. probably in our early 30s, late 20s. how is that disrupting the balance? and with our bodies? You need to clean them, get dirt, germs, and dead skin cells off. how is that disrupting the balance? if you wear deodorant, you need to get that off your skin because it clogs your pores and if it doesn't, there's harmful ingredients in store bought non organic ones. that's all I'm going to bring up, there's other things I could mention though.
#47 More people than you'd think.
#31 it must really hurt so bad that it's the same two girls that always beat you to it. Poor baby:(
The people who comment on this site are getting worse and worse.
"No one is going down on you if your breath smells like dead hamsters." JUST LIKE THAT. No variations.
I was being sarcastic. And even if I wasn't, I meant the kids personality is awesome. He couldn't give two *****. Hygiene wise, he stinks. You guys need to calm down. And if he doesn't want to brush his teeth, that's his choice, don't shun him for it. It's not like he's bombing the White House. You're being clean freaks.
#16 I hope you realize sex is different in every country and im guessing you come from the Shit States of America so its definetely different in this FML
Wow, at least he knows his priorities
I'm sure his priorities will be set straight real quick next time he goes to the dentist
Unless he brushes his teeth, no girl will want to see how clean "it" is.
that's so stupid no its not. my behavior is defiantly not based off how my parents act. some kids might act up because of how the parents act but its not because the parents are out suggesting those things.
Yeah no it's not. Kids do think for themselves.
Wow.. This definitely raises the 'nature vs nurture' argument!
That's ridiculous. So a kid raised in a family that is bad will always be bad but a kid raised in a good family will be good? Kids think for themselves too. You can't categorize this as an all thing but it does occur occasionally. But if OP is concerned about their sons hygiene and the son isn't and is more concerned about sex then I would assume this is one of those times that the kid is just bad and not the parent.
Kids do imitate their parents. That said a kid will not act 100% like their parents, but if a parent doesn't stress good habits kids will not likely pick them up on their own.
#11 actually, depending on the child, it is possible for the child to develop traits based on prolonged exposure. I know because I share a behavioral trait or two with my mother, traits that honestly I would love to be living without
#66 I'm sure you have things like your mother trust me I get my attitude from mine but your not going to go out and have sex and say "oh I get it from my mother"
#11 While partially correct, a person's upbringing and who they are surrounded by during key points of moral, and behavioral development influence their habits and views. One such influence can be their parents. To what extent can vary, but from a psychological standpoint it's more than just a possibility.
I think you should have been more specific...
How much more specific can you be? It's pretty sad his son doesn't know what "oral hygiene" means.
"Oral hygiene", not "hygiene for oral". Although both are important. :B
Or "dental hygiene", since the OP is referring to the son's teeth specifically..
how old is your son? I hope you had a separate conversation about what he said
I don't think the son has used those tricks that often if he has poor oral hygiene.
my thoughts exactly! how can he even get near girls with bad breath!! BIG TURN OFF in a guy
Well. There's one way to take the meaning of oral hygiene.
pretty sure the dad had a talk with hi. first
How old is he? At least he keeps it clean for the girl!
What girl? If he doesn't brush his teeth no girl is going anywhere near him.
Lmao #19
someone's been busy..
You should have him brush his teeth and then scrub his mouth out with soap for what he said.
how old is your son? I hope you had a separate conversation about what he said
I couldn't disagree more.. Firstly, oral hygiene is no joke and the son should definitely be taking more care of his teeth. Secondly, OP has listed this under the 'kids' category; that makes me think the son is under legal age for sex. He can't even look after his teeth, I doubt he is mature enough to handle sex..