A good yanking

By Gordon - 22/07/2009 14:12 - United States

Today, I was standing by the bed, naked, waiting for my wife to come out of the bathroom. She opened the door and walked over to me, swinging her hips, wearing practically nothing. At about four feet from me, she tripped on the edge of the floor mat, and used my junk to catch herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 82 733
You deserved it 6 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Miss_Q 0

If you hadn't of been so excited she wouldn't have had as much to grab onto!


mynameisnotjudie 0

ROFL xD Everyone who is complaining about the nature of this situation needs to calm down. The idea is that the two of them were getting ready for some sexy time, and obviously both of them were into it. Not only did the trip ruin the mood, but the grabbing the junk to brace her fall.... ohhhhhh that's pure gold. It must have SUCKED, but still... pure. gold.

xmeggbaabe 0


Whoaaa, I can't believe that that's the only thing she could get a hold of. Sorry, dude. FYL.

TakeChances4Life 0

ouch dude! I bet she pulled that thing out far. How long is ur dick now ha.

Pain and pleasure are often two sides to the same coin. At least you got a great show of eye candy. d^_^

itsgen 16

hahahah ur wife is soooooooooooo funnny XD

commonsensex 0

Did any other men shed a tear and cross their legs reading this?