By Anonymous - 01/11/2009 03:05 - United States

Today, I got rear-ended at a stop sign on a seldom used road in my neighborhood. As I open my car door to trade insurance information with the guy, he backs up a little and speeds away, taking my car door with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 624
You deserved it 2 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have chased him down the road! I hope you got his plate number. BTW #1 you fail at counting. FYL

What a bastard. I hope that you got the license down. The funniest part is that if you can track him down, he not only gets written up for a hit-and-run and a moving violation, but for reckless endangerment. It'd be hard to disprove that kind of damage to his own car; even if repaired, the repair shop would have records. If you can track him down, karma owns. He screwed himself. What a dumbass...


Should have chased him down the road! I hope you got his plate number. BTW #1 you fail at counting. FYL

Reyo 2

You better hope there be paint transfer, and that you saw the make and model of the car as well as part of the license plate.

Reyo 2

People call them licence plates outside of where I live, right?

What a bastard. I hope that you got the license down. The funniest part is that if you can track him down, he not only gets written up for a hit-and-run and a moving violation, but for reckless endangerment. It'd be hard to disprove that kind of damage to his own car; even if repaired, the repair shop would have records. If you can track him down, karma owns. He screwed himself. What a dumbass...

yeah for real. OP is dumb if she didn't get his license plate # first thing.

Could be attempted homicide assuming the door was on the driver side

Lol THAT SUCKS!!! But Tdi I mean honestly you coudnt tell his vibe was off...

Oh, ****... That really sucks. You didn't happen to catch his liscense plate number did you? Then again, if you did, it wouldn't be much of an FML...

Darth_Taco 14

Wow...that really sucks. When I was crashed into, the guy was nice enough to stay. Well, at least it'll be easier to find a guy with a huge-ass dent in the shape of a car door :D. Seriously, damage that bad is very easy to find if you report this to the authorities quickly.

asshat! i remember this car in front of us hit another car and after the two parties agreed to pull over on the side to exchange insurance details, the asshole just U-turned and ran off. Luckily we got his license plate. Hate rude ass drivers like that.