A new friend
By puzzled - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom
By puzzled - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom
what's that
Ok can you say NASTYYY? :P
ewwww! WTF how did it get in ur mouth???
eveeryone calling em rolly pollys made me laugh. i call them potato bugs :D
that's really friggen gross
Just to clarify, I brush my teeth twice a day and have a clean house! And also, it was at the end of the day, not the start. I hate when people call fake - why would people make stuff like that up? It's an fml purely because it's so unlikely and odd. Not the end of the world or anything but disgusting, still. I should probably also add that it was dead not alive.
WTF is a woodlouse u wankers rofl
woodlouse = fleas
#158, you're totally wrong. And everyone else who doensn't know what a woodlouse is... Pea-bug, potato-bug, roly-poly or pill bug. Hope that clears it up a little.
ydi for not calling it a roly poly, you couldve saved us the ******* trouble of having to google woodlouse
egad...I think I know what bug you're talking about...
Yea we dont speak English as a first language in the USA.
Other wise known as a ROLLY POLLY! xD