A new friend

By puzzled - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I was brushing my teeth when I felt a lump of something in the corner of my mouth. Naturally assuming it would be a bit of food that my toothbrush had dislodged, I spat it out into the sink. It was a woodlouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 210
You deserved it 3 323

Top comments

Yea we dont speak English as a first language in the USA.


hawkie409 0

I call them Rollie pollies, never heard them called wood loouses. I've heard them called pill and potato bugs, though.

sugarbabyxoxo 2

gross! I have no idea what it is. except the fact that it's a bug.

Nope, not even a bug. It's actually a crustacean.

A woodlouse is a bug with a hard exterior shell, when it is in danger it will roll up into a little ball.

Fake. Seriously what are the odds? .0001? And even then, so what extra protein. Hakuna matata!

Lmao last? I'm glad I don't stay at your place gettin up with woodlouses in my mouth lol

cali_bum 0

that's fuckn nasty sleep wit yo mouth close beezy