A tad insecure

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Anchorage

Today, I confronted my girlfriend over how she and a male friend have been going out together, drinking and partying, and at one point holding hands in the street. She angrily accused ME of cheating, because "confronting people like that" is apparently something only cheaters themselves do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 882
You deserved it 5 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's apparently of the "Best defense is a good offense" school of thought. By turning the blame on to you, she's hoping to deflect it from herself.

Cheating is such a norm today it's sickening


I hate to jump the gun here, but I'm gonna have to vote for dumping her in this case. This sort of foolery can't be talked out. "Cheaters themselves" tend to confront their significant other about absolutely nothing, not the situation you describe where there's pretty good evidence. It sounds like she's just being defensive.

rocker_chick23 27

Dump her, she is probably cheating on you with him.

Ricky___D 5

Yea she's cheating man dump the shit out of her

I've been in that exact same boat OP, and it ruined my life. She'll say you're just **** shaming or something stupid like that. Break it off with her right away; the sooner you do, the more heartache you'll avoid.

Sounds like you're getting cheated on

my2centsworth 15

Confronting people when there's no cause for alarm is something cheaters do. Ignoring signs of a budding relationship between two people who are supposed to care about you more than they do each is something ostriches do.

My ex bf told me that he could have cheated on me but didn't so I should have been proud of him. Afterwards he accused me of messing around with a guy because he rode the same bus as me.

Pitch the bitch in a ditch while calling her a *****-ish witch. Don't worry, we won't snitch.