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Makes sense

By lovegame - 28/06/2014 15:48 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, two months after forgiving my girlfriend for breaking my heart by cheating on me, I found out that she's cheating again with the same guy. When I confronted her, she basically said I brought it on myself and that I was an idiot for not dumping her the first time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 027
You deserved it 26 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

It sucks that you have a cheating girlfriend, but at the same time, you were playing with fire by keeping her.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22
incoherentrmblr 21

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me...

I think this FML counts as both an FYL and a YDI.

Much agreed. I'm honestly in the same predicament as OP. My girlfriend cheated on me, but I'm willing to give her a second chance and everything is going good so far (aren't dating yet). That does suck though OP, you can find much better. Chins up!

All you need to do is go to & sign up for Joey Grecko's website.. And you'll be amazed soon

#1 - You put it perfectly. This sucks OP, but consider it a life lesson.

Ignore my last post. As of right now, not so good. So more of my sympathy goes to OP.

That's not enough, she needs to feel pain. I hate cheating bastards!

I have a serious amount of respect for him for forgiving her the first time. I couldn't do it. But F his life for her taking advantage of him.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#142 - He shouldn't have forgiven her, cheaters usually always cheat again. (Not always).

I agree that he shouldn't have. But I still have the respect for him that he was able to

It sucks that you have a cheating girlfriend, but at the same time, you were playing with fire by keeping her.

I don't think it's always a case of 'playing with fire'. If they genuinely feel bad about it/won't do it again then it's just a case of trust and strength within the relationship to move forward from it. The one who got cheated on needs to evaluate the situation and decide if it's worth the 'risk' to stay with them. Having said this, I was cheated on, I took him back, and then over a year later he left me, so I guess I'm not the best person to give advice on this! I just think that, with some relationships anyway, you don't have to immediately dump them.

I kind of learned that is they cheat once, they can easily cheat again.

A family friend of mine dated a man who cheated on her a couple times in college. But she knew she wanted him, and now they're happily married with two kids. While this case probably isn't common, it is possible.

RowanSpirit 9

My husband cheated on me some five years ago. He never has again, and we are still together. Definitely depends on the cheater, and how willing to forgive them you are. Though in this case she's a horrible person and deserves the karma coming to her for deliberately abusing OP's trust.

In my opinion, if they TRULY cared about you they never would've cheated in the first place. They can apologize all they want but I won't believe it. They obviously weren't thinking of me when they cheated, so why should I believe they suddenly care now?

I hate to say it, but she does have a point. Staying with a cheater is right up there with sticking your tongue in a light bulb socket.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice.... ALSO "can't turn a ho into a housewife." Yeah sorry OP, that's on you buddy.

xivoricbutterfly 25

Not so my dad cheated on my mother before I was born and she forgave him. He never cheated again oh and he got the other woman pregnant

*never got caught cheating again. Fixed that for you. Slightly jaded viewpoint I know but in all likelihood it's an honest one.

amayasoma 19

If the person honestly feels bad for what they, they will change. Yes, there are quite a few that are so heartless they continue to do it but there the ones that have regret and do change.

I'm sorry, but YDI by staying with someone who cheated on you...

Or we act like grown-ups and not punch anyone. There's a mature way to handle this. Physical violence isn't it.

I hope for your sake your future spouse doesn't see this

ohishkabibble 21

#9, feminism is not punching anyone, because nobody deserves physical violence and there are better ways to handle a situation than to violently lash out.

Well you cant do anything about certain stupid people but you could have avoided it by not going back.Once a cheater always a cheater

Do you always have to comment on every single post

Does it bother you that much? Maybe he enjoys commenting.

#60 Yes,yes I do is it annoying you?....Good

you took the high road by forgiving, but damn, what a bitch