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By Anonymous - 27/03/2016 04:46 - South Africa - Cape Town

Today, my girlfriend accused me of cheating after she read some of my messages I sent to an old female friend. Apparently I'm very flirty with her. I showed her the same kind of messages that I sent to my guy friends as well. Now I'm apparently gay and cheating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 825
You deserved it 2 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"So, we're gonna go to the game later, bro?" "You bet, you absolute stud!" "Whose car should we take?" "Well, mine has the most room in back! ;-)" "Uh, okay, that works." "Also we should have sex, and I'm flirting with you."

Did she go through your phone?? I'd call that strike one on lack of trust. If she's that jealous and dramatic on a regular basis it may be time to either have a very serious talk, or to start calling her your ex girlfriend


Not ex girlfriend after you found out she's that jealous?

expertsmilee 26

Rather be gay and cheating than that kind of insecure/crazy.

it's incredible how insecure people can be about those kinds of things.

Under no circumstances would i want to be gay

CoffeeChickBlows 13

She is right in some way though!! In a relationship try hard not to do things that might hurt the other person

Some things to avoid: having friends, pursuing goals, and thinking thoughts.

If you're so insecure that you get jealous and hurt over your SO merely texting other people, then you should not be in a relationship. This situation is particularly ridiculous too though, because even after he showed her the texts, she overreacted even more and accused him if not only cheating, but being gay as well. Seems like the OP dodged a bullet here.

koganti 18
kyu_Q 19

Totally crazy.. OP is bisexual not gay.

ChopSuey444 20

I feel like the content of the message is important. People can have VERY different views on what "flirting" consists of.

G_Loo 8

Not only is the content important, but if he never told her about this female friend he's been texting I can see where the red flag is coming up for her. Not defending her just trying to add perspective.

Paridote 6

wait wait wait.. are you serious right now? lol so I have boyfriend and I texted one of my friends that's a girl "hey wanna go to a movie saturday?" he could accuse me of being a lesbian and cheating on him and he would be right? I think you need a reality check XD you're just as crazy as this person's gf lmao

Get rid of her. Sounds like the type of person who'd microchip you to track your every movement.

Wait that's not standard my ex said all men are doing these days...

Did she go through your phone?? I'd call that strike one on lack of trust. If she's that jealous and dramatic on a regular basis it may be time to either have a very serious talk, or to start calling her your ex girlfriend

i have very jealous girlfriend and this kind of behaviour isf definitely lack of trust, but it can be caused by previous relationships. no need to break up, just let her build up the trust ;)

A relationship without trust is like an IPod without internet; you just end up playing games.

I don't know why people are downvoting this, trust is something that develops over time and all relations require work. To dump someone the first time you notice that they're not perfect seems like a poor way to do things.

UserError94 18

Yea but don't just call her your ex girlfriends. I think you should break up with her

There's a difference between building trust after being cheated on and using it as an excuse to be controlling and unreasonable. You can't just say "I was cheated on so you can't interact with friends like this!" Or "you can't have friends of the opposite/same sex!" Sometimes having to reassure your partner is understandable, having to give up privacy and/or being controlled isn't. It just won't create a healthy relationship.

She should've given you benefit of doubt. If she didn't, have a talk. Asap.

People shouldn't go through others phones.

"So, we're gonna go to the game later, bro?" "You bet, you absolute stud!" "Whose car should we take?" "Well, mine has the most room in back! ;-)" "Uh, okay, that works." "Also we should have sex, and I'm flirting with you."