A tad insecure

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Anchorage

Today, I confronted my girlfriend over how she and a male friend have been going out together, drinking and partying, and at one point holding hands in the street. She angrily accused ME of cheating, because "confronting people like that" is apparently something only cheaters themselves do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 882
You deserved it 5 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's apparently of the "Best defense is a good offense" school of thought. By turning the blame on to you, she's hoping to deflect it from herself.

Cheating is such a norm today it's sickening


drshn 22

wow. calm down miss. dumping is not always the best solution. We can also talk to resolve things. Although I like the rhyme.

olpally 32

She's really stupid, isn't she? Get rid of her. When people like her get defensive like that, it's usually a sign that she's cheating, not you.

Respect101 17

Honestly I think the sign was partying and holding hands. Mainly the holding of the hands set it off for me. But that's a big sign.

Cheating is such a norm today it's sickening

truckers_wife 23

I'm not saying you're wrong, because I kind of agree with you. But in her defense, it is common for cheaters to accuse their significant other of cheating... and actually, it could apply to her, because there is a possibility of her cheating and she did accuse you of cheating, lol.

cryssycakesx3 22
beaverteaser 16

of course! i think her logic is sound. right everyone?

Only cheaters who accuse cheaters of cheating are cheaters!

In what way, can u possibly agree with her?

91hayek 31

yo y'all suck at detecting sarcasm. Now she's gonna get buried because y'all are robots or something.

Cancel the damn pop up!! its messing up my por.. research paper!

Let her have him, i say find you a real woman and hopefully she keeps hold of your hand.

My ex did the same thing. Turns out she was cheating. It wasn't easy but breaking up with her was one of the best things I've ever done. Really sucks for you OP, I feel for you.