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Above the law

By Anonymous - 19/07/2023 06:00

Today, our wedding was ruined. My fiancée detests children due to traumatic childhood abuse, so our wedding was adults only. Two families showed up with children known to always misbehave. The stress pushed my fiancée into a minor heart attack, she’s now in hospital and the wedding didn’t happen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 362
You deserved it 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In your next wedding you know which adults not to invite.

next time a. don't invite those families and b. have ushers in place to bar any children from entering to begin with (which would have been smart to begin with). Good luck on your next try.


You dodged a bullet there! Who needs a wife who hates children and has a bum ticker? A **** buddy, maybe, but not a ball-and-chain!

mcsmee 7

unless she has a life insurance policy.

Dude, just stop. You are cripplingly unfunny, and honestly you are often, like now, creepy as hell. Utterly tone-deaf.

**** off. It's not always about being funny, and it's hardly ever sincere. It's often to say something other than the cliche, predictable advice or the insincere support.

Which is why we appreciate you here at FML *makes heart shape with hands"

In your next wedding you know which adults not to invite.

next time a. don't invite those families and b. have ushers in place to bar any children from entering to begin with (which would have been smart to begin with). Good luck on your next try.

So, why was there literally nobody working in a role to turn those families away? Or alternatively, why were none of your other guests/wedding party, who were aware of the invite conditions and depending on familiarity with your wife, possibly even aware of her strong aversion to children, willing to step up and usher those entitled dinguses away?

I am guessing they stressed no kids (My brothers 1st wedding was the same way). It is just that some people think that stipulation doesn't apply to them. Sadly, this was the result.

I hope she recovers from this health issue and trauma. If the two of you are in agreement for no children, then more power to you. The best option would be like others mentioned 1) ushers and 2) not inviting those friends/family. Your wedding is a party where you happen to be getting married. Don't I clude people who you don't want at any regular party. Don't feel pressure to invite because they are family. If you can't have a good time at YOUR party because of some guests or forced tradition then elope. use any wedding money for a honeymoon.

I'm so sorry. I wish your fianceé a quick recovery. Meanwhile, don't invite them again, get ushers to kick them out in case they (or anyone else with kids) show up, and block them. I can't stand entitled parents who think rules/boundaries don't apply to them just because they have kids.

Hospital wedding! All jokes aside though I'm sorry that happened, I hope your honey recovers soon so you can have an actual wedding with those people no longer invited

Someone being so severely traumatized by children they have a heart attack seems a little extreme. Is it going to be a hard attack when the grocery store is visited, or a park, or driving in the car and those children next to you? Seriously this is a problem. It's not just the wedding. Imagine planning a vacation where you think it's going to be so great with no kids and then there are kids there the stress will be there too. The point is you can't control every situation and you can't control what other people do. If your fiance is so stressed out from the wedding and having a couple of kids there then you can bet that there's going to be some extreme stressors in the future too. This is going to have to be worked out because kids are literally the future of this planet and even if you don't have any bunch of other people will. It'd be unreasonable to try to avoid kids for most of your life. Even if you can do it successfully that means you kind of have a crappy life. It would be better to pay a lot of money to go to therapy.

illbethejudge 2

Idk if it would even be possible but I’d be threatening to have them pay for the ruined wedding and the medical bills. Even if it was just to scare them.