Affectionate, huh?

By littlemiss - 10/02/2013 16:17 - Canada - Whitby

Today, my little sister chased me around the house with a mallet, giggling like a maniac. I ended up having to pin her to the ground, rip the mallet out of her hand and lock her in the bathroom. This isn't the first time. My mom still insists it's perfectly normal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 668
You deserved it 3 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's so normal, start doing that to you your mom. She'll see how 'normal' it is.

Make an amateur horror movie out of it and become rich.


I think they made a movie about this, calld the exorcist?

Smack her with the mallet then maybe she will realize you are to be respected and the pain that arrives with such actions.

"Normal" to your mom probably means she doesn't want to deal with it

Lol dude i feel for you! My sister would the same thing well she kinda does, our father is a sensi in judo and jujitsu. And our weapons that my sister n i train with are blades daggers and sais my favorite. Oh n swords ! Ive wokin up to her holdin a blade to me her chasin me with a dagger. Shes 8.

Your father sounds very irresponsible if he allows children as young as 8 to handle blades. Training children to use them is even worse.

71, YOur dad does not sound like a good "sensei" to me. 0. If that's not a training blade... Tell you dad that if he keeps being this irresponsible, he might get into trouble. To be precise, authorities might question whether he should be allowed to be your parent or if his parental rights should be stripped. 1. Judo/JiuJitsu are supposed to be about *unarmed* combat, as far as I know. 2. A proper "sensei" should also teach about dangers of improper weapon handling. Putting blade to throat or chasing around somebody with dagger might lead to accidental death. If he didn't teach you that, he should consider changing careers or teaching adults instead of children. Tell your dad that he should use training blades (rubber or whatever) and that your sister is too stupid/immature to be trusted with weapons.

What, you didn't see it? It's right there in between "weapons" and "She's 8".

webare trained to defend . my sister is a bit cooky but shed never do harm well unless ur a threat to me or anyone she loves same goes for me . i started my training when i was 5 . so yea

make your peace with god and draft a will immediately.

this sounds like something out of Tom and Jerry. just keep a baseball bat w you at all times.

She probably thinks it is okay and normal. Little children tend to think that they cannot hurt adults.

Cut a large round hole in your bedroom door. Then you can stick your head out to see if she is around.

Take the mallet chase her around while laughing maniacally...that should wisen her up

Be careful. My bipolar cousin chased his mom and brother with knives on occasion. Now he's in jail for stabbing her to death. It's never a joke. It always needs to be taken seriously and dealt with.

Are you sure that's only bipolarity? I have a rather bad case of it and have never been violent