By tsakashvili - 26/05/2009 04:38 - United States

Today, I decided to scare my 10 year old sister for fun. I hid behind a door and leapt out, shouting "Boo!" when she walked by. She burst into tears and ran screaming to my mom. My mom thought I'd hit my sister, and was so angry that she punched me in the eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 861
You deserved it 18 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mother really needs to control her anger, and get a general overview of the situation.. If my mom did that to me, i'd freak out.. FYL

KwitIt 0

Yes, let's solve (non-existent) violence with violence, this sounds like a good plan...


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JamesM9794 0

my sister is a bitch like that too but my mom doesn't punch

if moms punch. you backhand and say : bitch better recognize! the dad walks in then punch : knocked the **** out

I've had my parents do that. My brother would go running yelling "mom!!" and my mom would ask me what I did to my brother. "Nothing! Honest!". She never punched me though lol.

hellokittywhore 0

lol kinda like my lil brother when I'd mess around and shove him( I should add it was softly) he'd like throw himself across the room and burst into tears run toy mom, hom being her perfect muffin man shed get pissed at me and smack me... lol good times

you should really have a long talk with your mother. her punching you is wrong.

hellokittywhore 0

Your mother really needs to control her anger, and get a general overview of the situation.. If my mom did that to me, i'd freak out.. FYL

KwitIt 0

Yes, let's solve (non-existent) violence with violence, this sounds like a good plan...

bittersweet_by_n 0

Russell Peters would think so.... At least he won't be a social outcast when all the other kids talk about there beatings.

rob8625 0

Your mons a bitch because she would even think to punch you

lmao is this a family of boxers or something?

First off, how old are you? I can't see this happening. But I'd say FYL because of parental abuse.

No parent should ever hit their child... YLIF for sure...