Ah, young love…

By HotAsTits - 20/03/2011 20:31 - United States

Today, my parents thought it would be appropriate to tell my girlfriend that I used to stick my penis in a sock puppet and talk to it when I was younger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 994
You deserved it 10 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha aww. All parents are going to embarrass you with the stories from when you were younger, don't worry.

and in Australia it's pronounced "Beer"


at least you havnt got the worst 5 brothers on earth like me.... no wonder my gf dumped me ):

#18 your ex GF told me that of you and all your brothers you had the biggest Wang. there's a bright side to every story.

give the dude a break, huh? His FML was kinda funny and it wasn't like he was doing it on purpose. No need to make him feel like crap.

62- Shut up. This is FML; this kind of stuff is to be expected. If you can't take it the you probably shouldn't be here.

TayonaC 10

...and how did that conversation come up??

TayonaC 10

Your gf may have dumped you for your FML screen name, alternatively it could have been because she found you in bed with her brother. Just my two cents.

#65... right. It's so easy to take your crap seriously while you are playing with your nipples in your profile pic.

you guys calm the heck down! it's one FML that sounded a little wrong and your STILL giving him crap about it? get over it.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with playing with your nipples.

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

maybe she dumped you because your username is gayboii. just a thought...

Doing something like that?! U deserve to be laughed at!!!! Hahahaha!!! WTH? Y would u do that and how the hell did ur parents find out??!!! Lmaooooo!!!!! sry, cnt help it!

Agiggleaday 0

Oh did I offend the 14 year old?

boomsupersonic 0

It was when he was young. Most people do weird things when they're younger. We all have stories of that nature, I'm sure.

That no different from what u do now

mystrylady 0
prince122 0

he blows up when he gets close to people?

hollowaybrady34 6
prince122 0

hey...**** u i liked it... espicially how he said creeper not creep.

So? At least now you can tell her you had friends when you were younger instead of being the village loser.

boomsupersonic 0

Sounds like an interesting puppet show... ;)

bandaid52 0

wow u did what when u were younger??

LOL, when he talked back to you did you choke him or just beat him?

hahaha :) dont worry :) all parents are embarrassing! my mom always tells my boyfriend weird things about me