By mugged - 20/03/2011 20:29 - United States

Today, my dog had to choose between protecting me from a mugger or eating an apple. He chose the apple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 429
You deserved it 4 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AlienX_fml 0

I usually bring an apple when i mug people. Just in case they have a dog.



The mugger just may have been a dog whisperer :p

Agiggleaday 0

Apples are yummy. I'd choose the apple too :D

mendozaale 0

ya i would choose the apple too... i cant save lives on a empty tummy :)

my dog wouldn't go for the apple... unless the apple was mugging me!

LOLbomb 1

Hey apple! Hey! Apple! Hey Apple! Apple! Hey Apple! What!? Dog!

Of course he would. Apples are pretty darn tasty

xdannyx117x 0

lol so ur getting mugged and there just happens to be an apple which your dog chose over helping u , attack of the random apples fyl

runepop 0

ur dog, is a douchebag. lmao

memo619 0

that dog knows his priorities it'd be epic if it was a chihuahua, I can just imagine him trying to bite the robbers leg

You should see my chihuahua. Super annoying and feisty

lmfaoo prob not as annoying as my cat, she sleeps eat and whines.

those little dogs are freaking vicious

Imagine that kinda dog trying to bite the apple.

carcinogan 0

hey 35...nice ink devil dog!

@35 They also don't seem to understand how small they are. They are the measly, inebriated punk with inflated bravado of the dog world. :D

No I don't!!! don't stereotype me okay!!!

thats why you buy a cat :D between the apple and the mugger he chooses to leave

pfft dont be pessimist xD at least the cat wont get hurt

Agiggleaday 0
BabyLuis 0

# 50 i love that picture its fkin pissin me off

Was the dog aware you were in danger? Mine goes off the handle if someone he knows is in danger - but not if he doesn't realise we're in danger.

I was thinking the same thing if they were casually talking or I guess casually getting mugged I don't think they would notice danger. sorry to hear that Op

AlienX_fml 0

I usually bring an apple when i mug people. Just in case they have a dog.

Not surprised, he must of made that agreement earlier with the dog.

dress up in an apple outfit and your dog will be super loyal, or try to eat you...

SmallyBigs 9

11 and 25's default.... boneriffic.

BlackOpsPWNR 0

25, holy crap, you got a little(big) somethin' on you chest! those are freaking huge!

BlackOpsPWNR 0

25, you got a little(big) somethin' on your chest! those are freaking huge!

SmallyBigs 9

That's a nice pair of apples...

chlobo13 0

woww guys haha I like tht word "boneriffic". Nice ring to it. xD