Ain't no rest for the wicked

By anon - 04/09/2022 07:00

Today, I was diagnosed with COVID, and given a week off work to quarantine. When I sat down on the sofa, my girlfriend slapped the remote out of my hand and handed me a list of chores, "to do while you're lazing around on vacation." It's four pages long. Double sided. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 205
You deserved it 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell her your sick and she can do them herself or she can go **** herself. if you have no symptoms do the damn chores

I’m just waiting for my ex to tell me her new boyfriend got COVID - that’s the kind of shit she used to pull on me. I had to hang Christmas lights in a walking boot and be on child duty right after surgery. And she wonders why I said I didn’t want her back.


How did you get so far behind on your chores? Now you can get caught up on your little vacation! Try not to be so lazy in the future.

sounds like you've been lacking 😂

tell her your sick and she can do them herself or she can go **** herself. if you have no symptoms do the damn chores

Oh wow, was it warranted? I would probably have to move out if I did that to my man

I’m just waiting for my ex to tell me her new boyfriend got COVID - that’s the kind of shit she used to pull on me. I had to hang Christmas lights in a walking boot and be on child duty right after surgery. And she wonders why I said I didn’t want her back.

i just wanna see these pages of chores out of curiousity