By briscoe - 29/09/2015 02:48 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, I was on the train next to an elderly woman. When I told her it was my stop, she turned her knees towards the aisle, and I, thinking that she was letting me go by, began to edge past. She screamed, "DON'T PUSH ME!" and the whole train turned to look. I was thus the asshole pushing the old lady. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 123
You deserved it 1 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sucks even more you probably didn't have time to explain, but on the bright side you won't see any of those people again!


Ive only met one horribly rude elderly lady in my life and it was going down the steps to my bus. I was pushed from behind causing me to bump into her and she flipped at me. Any less control than i have and i would have lost my shit.

well, maybe she had a hard time getting up. maybe you where the Douche this time.

I agree, as that has happened to me, in the past. I was once injured, and trying to board a bus. A man behind me, trying to help, gave me a small shove which threw me forward, hence disbalancing me. I was already feeling terrible, and hence involuntarily yelled out for him to stop "pushing" me. I felt pretty guilty afterwards, though.

I feel like I misused the word "hence", in my previous comment. If I did, please do forgive me. The fact that English isn't my first language is a poor excuse. My English has simply been getting worse, of late.

You can't win it all...but I think this one may be let go...unless you see the same people every time on there

Le_ponderer 14

Next time you are in such a situation just reply loudly "I'll be very careful not to bump you dear". Then keep stepping. Everyone will get on with their commuting lives and you will not feel as embarrassed.

Can't really do much about people like that, best just to ignore them if they yell at you.

I want to be a troll old lady too some day.

So many people seem to get on public transport blissfully unaware that they're meant to share the space with other passengers. I reckon in the future all transport will be divided into sad little cubicles because we'll have forgotten how to interact with each other on the most basic levels.

Some old people know no limits on arrogance, entitlement and ignorance.

iAmPaul 49

That's when you say you're not pushing her. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself OP.