By nattnatt73 - 10/09/2016 07:07 - United States - Marion

Today, my dog brought me his squeaky toy to throw for him. I went to throw it down the hallway but it hit the door and bounced about a foot in front of him. He just stared at me for a minute like I was dumb, then took it to my boyfriend to throw. I disappoint even my dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 856
You deserved it 1 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think dogs can feel disappointment. They are empathetic, so maybe it just sensed you felt disappointed in yourself, and because it's a bundle of love and compassion, didn't wanna bother you anymore.


Well now you know who has a stronger relationship with your boyfriend

I don't think dogs can feel disappointment. They are empathetic, so maybe it just sensed you felt disappointed in yourself, and because it's a bundle of love and compassion, didn't wanna bother you anymore.

At least be happy for your boyfriend. He's gettin all the dogs.

Well... just let your dog know that you tried

Your life is over. Just curl up in a ball and wait for death.

dietcoke09 25

You must not disappoint your dog too much if he went to you first!

I normally don't like bringing this up as it's personal in nature, but my father used to be bad at playing fetch. He was treated for years, and some of my earliest memories of him involve the intravenous drugs they administered as part of his regimen. I remember him sitting in the corner, tubes coming out of both arms, throwing a squeaky toy for the dog to catch. The treatments were unsuccessful, and he's no longer with us. There's still time for you to seek help, OP. Please do.

I think this is the first time I've seen you in the negative O.o

Then you're in for a treat tonight, #14.

Not sure if attempted joke or if Tripartita having a rare vulnerable moment.

I was joking because such a rare and surprising—*sniffles*—event happened twice in one night.

I love that your dog was so clearly able to communicate his disdain. Too funny.

My dog gives me the "stupid human" look frequently too ???