
By sparkle - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I discovered that my roommate uses her Twitter account to complain about me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 472
You deserved it 5 985

Top comments

have a cry, youre using FML to bitch about her


better Twitter than facebook. hardly anyone uses Twitter

get a life and op stop giving her stuff to complane about...I bet your a whiner I mean your whining here right

you're silly :p & i complain on my twitter about my sibling. bahaha until she joined and followed me O_O

follow me on twitter

Shystai 0

Tell everyone she's a hermaf. Haaaaaaaaaaa

haha y does she complain you hsbe yo do sumn

anela_fml 0

and then and then and then and then and then!!!!!!!!!

Beto_Fizzle 0

well.. r u a shitty roommate? or is ur rooate making tings up?

ScooterScott 0

#81 Learn how to ******* spell! Goddamn.

And u use FML to complain about her!

azreal_13 0

OP STFU! I'm sure it happens to other people too and you don't see them complaining about it

I would use YouTube to complain about u

OP,maybe you are a annoying person to live with?

That is now what social media is for! But it seems to be the best place for haters!

your roommate has too much time on their hands. either way, sucks to be you.

who cares? stop being a pain in the ass and maybe your roommate wont complain anymore.

My roommate does that too, except on Facebook. Petty and irritating.

You both deserve it for being annoying.

DogmaT_fml 4

Wage war, or do something about it.

have a cry, youre using FML to bitch about her

martron3000 5

Well, look at the bright side--at least she's thinking about you! 