
By sparkle - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I discovered that my roommate uses her Twitter account to complain about me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 472
You deserved it 5 985

Top comments

have a cry, youre using FML to bitch about her


Ha. Just be like, "So...Have you tweeted lately? I'm a follower to your words of wisdom."

Lmao. That should shut them up for a while (roommate).

I see people complain about other people on Facebook all the time. I just assumed they complaining about fictional characters. I never thought they were whining about real people with real feelings.

So what? I betcha do the same on your Twitter facebook and

amsedel 1
WhatANoob 0

Wow..YDI for giving a shit..No big deal it's just twitter

Cartain 0

So now you're using FML to complain about her.

you should use your twitter to complain about her complaining about you on her twittre

Not to worry, people have suffered greater things in under a hundred and forty characters.

nicaraguan510 0