Apartment hunting

By movingbuddy - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia - Sydney

Today, my boyfriend of a year asked me to move in with him. I would have been touched at this gesture, had he not asked in the form of a text message, saying, "Got kicked out. Wanna get a flat or something?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 619
You deserved it 4 096


hanymandy 6

As long as he asked you first and not someone else then what's it matter?

That isn't sarcasm. 2's comment is sarcasm. And this is sarcasm: That comment was SO brilliantly well thought out, it changed my life.

Well that's certainly being forward...

Or just text him back, wow, how romantic.

damn chicka.. so hes a lil informal.. whats the harm in that O.o

and then we can have a dog or something, I don't know, maybe a child

At least he didn't ask you to marry him in a text.