Apartment hunting

By movingbuddy - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia - Sydney

Today, my boyfriend of a year asked me to move in with him. I would have been touched at this gesture, had he not asked in the form of a text message, saying, "Got kicked out. Wanna get a flat or something?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 626
You deserved it 4 099


Well he seems like a keeper. Sorry OP! Don't move in with him unless he has a stable job and you know he can pay his end of the bills, and you have to be able to do the same!

Something tells me he didn't reach that decision by himself; he was pushed into it somehow.

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The word that pops in my mind when I read this is "mediocre". If you want a so-so relationship with someone who is moving in with you partly to save money... oh honey, you can do better.

Maybe he had wanted to ask that for a while but was too nervous, and saw this as a chance to ask in a more offhand way or something.

I seriously suspect this is my own girlfriend!

it means he wants/ needs your money to be able to afford rent and weed.