Apartment hunting

By movingbuddy - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia - Sydney

Today, my boyfriend of a year asked me to move in with him. I would have been touched at this gesture, had he not asked in the form of a text message, saying, "Got kicked out. Wanna get a flat or something?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 619
You deserved it 4 096


I'm guessing you said yes. Hope he doesn't snore'n'fart... 'N'laugh about it.

chlorinegreen 27

In a way this is a great opportunity to start something in the process of moving in together but he did not ask nicely. I would just tell him to ask you differently and then you would think about it.

You never know if had thought about it, but this forced him into asking. At least he didn't complain and say who am I going to move in with. I will agree with him being a Dick in the way he was asking, but he did ask. On the other hand, why did his lazy broke ass get kicked out in the first place.

hateevryone 14
TheyCallMeDamien 17

Mr. Suave he ain't. Time for a talk: why he got kicked out, what his resources/other options are, where he's sleeping tonight, etc. His manners re texting are the last item - if you are still with him, by tht point. Good luck.

Satoaoi 13

hey your still together that's all that matters.

If he got kicked out for laziness or something I wouldn't trust him on paying rent, least he asked you and not his buddies though..

At least he did not show up at your door and asked you that.