Are you sure?

By yourekillingme - 19/02/2016 04:12 - United States - Mission

Today, I went to see a doctor because I have been feeling of pressure in my chest. After running numerous tests, I was told I was perfectly healthy and had nothing to worry about. I made it as far as the front door before I collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 110
You deserved it 1 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good news: you're already near a doctor! Bad news: not a very good doctor..

tounces7 27

Well, at least you were at a doctors office when it happened, and not driving on the road home.


Mooglefox 23

As you were rushed by the lab, did you notice the only thing in there was a dart board with labels on it?

I've met this sort of treatment before. "You're in inconsolable pain and your doctor called ahead for an appendectomy consultation? Great, let's get tha- Wait, you have ovarian cysts? Nevermind, cancel the consultation, it's just lady stuff." My appendix nearly ruptured.

It isn't always easy to detect problems in your body. In the defence of the doctor, he's a human and couldn't identify a problem even though he ran numerous tests. I don't think I can really blame the doctor for being bad after OP mentioned numerous tests were taken

What was the problem why did you collapse? And I hope you get better soon!

I hope you're ok. At least you collapsed at the doctor's office rather than on the road.

thegreat579 7

AT LEAST the tv didn't fall on you and kill you? Then we would've never heard this great story

Did he say you were completely healthy or that the tests were completely normal? Some people hear the first one being said and assume it means they're healthy. Either way I hope it all gets figured out! Having no diagnosis for an ailment is super ******* stressful.

Don't know about anyone else, but I want a follow-up.

It's time for him to go back to school...