Asshats can be fathers too

By NotInTheMood - 14/03/2022 14:00

Today, my husband wants to leave me because I’m “taking too long” to recover from my C-section and he’s “tired of jerking off.” His logic is that he recovered in 6 weeks after he got 12 stitches on his leg, and, “I’ll be fine.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 492
You deserved it 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My second child was born in less than two hours and I didn't need a single stitch yet doctors still recommended to wait two months with intercourse.

Leave this waste of flesh at your soonest available opportunity.


My second child was born in less than two hours and I didn't need a single stitch yet doctors still recommended to wait two months with intercourse.

Leave this waste of flesh at your soonest available opportunity.

There’s two sides to this, but I’m more on your side here, he sounds pathetic and throwing his toys out the pram because he isn’t getting what he wants, the fact you’ve just given him a child and he’s sulking about sex is not good, don’t know about anyone else, but the first few months, who has the energy for sex anyways, so he’s clearly not pulling his weight at home. Now the other side, there are other things that can be done than just sex, has any of that been done? It is usually common for women to feel really unattractive, low sex drive, emotionally exhausted ( which again he should be understanding off ), but maybe some other things might help him, however, I feel like you may want to start preparing for a new life without him as he doesn’t sound great to me

Pinkdahlia75 1

Sounds like my ex husband. Get child support from his paycheck and kick him out. Took me five months to recover from my c-section

wysegirl 24

well I would be a single mom fast.. I bet he also thinks period cramps compare to a paper cut.

wrenavery90 12

Why would you want to be married to such an awful man? He's threatening to leave you? I'd say fine. Get out.

You know, back in the days before divorce, wives worked their problems out when this happened. With rat poison.