At last!

By All Dressed Up With No Place To Go - 11/09/2015 05:57 - United States - Ashland

Today, I finally lost enough weight to fit into the beautiful dress that I ordered for my senior prom. I graduated from high school in 2010. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 465
You deserved it 4 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zaketh2112 10

But you did it! Rejoice in that!!

Were you not fitted or took measurements for your dress? Or did you just make a hopeful guess? If the former, you should have returned it and demanded it refitted or a refund; if the latter, YDI. Either way, congrats on losing weight!


Look on the bright side you lost weight. But why did you order a dress if you didn't fit in it?

Aww! On the bright side, you are now (I hope) healthier and more fit. And you can feel good about the new dress size by going shopping for more dresses! ;)

Doesn't have to be prom to wear it...hope a special event comes up a wedding

Now all you have to do is find some fancy party or like a wedding to wear it to!

Who cares? Both high school and prom are overrated. Be happy you lost the weight and keep up the good work.

Congratulations op! Don't be sad that you couldn't fit into then. Be proud you fit into it now. Wear it out on the town, go somewhere nice, celebrate!

I agree! Tell your friends to dress up and go out for fancy cocktails!

I think she should be upset that she was too stupid to just buy a dress thst fit her.

That's still really great! Isn't it awfully stressful to keep around clothes that don't fit for years though?

I gained weight after being on medication and having health issues and I kept my thinner clothes hoping I'd be able to fit into them again, but after a few years I couldn't handle seeing them and not being able to wear them. But I also wasn't able to work out. If you're able to work out then I could see how having the one dress around could serve as motivation while you're already working out and working your way back to that size. Having the clothes around while you're not doing anything to get back to that size doesn't make as much sense though.

You are right even if have graduated from school already.

corky1992 33

At least you fit in it now! Losing weight is a huge accomplishment. Don't be so hard on yourself.