At last!

By All Dressed Up With No Place To Go - 11/09/2015 05:57 - United States - Ashland

Today, I finally lost enough weight to fit into the beautiful dress that I ordered for my senior prom. I graduated from high school in 2010. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 465
You deserved it 4 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zaketh2112 10

But you did it! Rejoice in that!!

Were you not fitted or took measurements for your dress? Or did you just make a hopeful guess? If the former, you should have returned it and demanded it refitted or a refund; if the latter, YDI. Either way, congrats on losing weight!


Goblin182 26

Did you order it smaller thinking it would motivate you into losing weight? If so, YDI kind of. If you fit into for your prom, then gained weight, then lost down to fit into the dress again, way to go.

On the bright side you're smaller now than you were in highschool. Many women would be ecstatic about that.

So? You still did well, even if it took longer than you thought. Good for you.

That's great! Congratulations! I wish I still weighed what I did in high school :/

as ''they'' say, better late than never! and better healthy than fat. good for you op. now keep it up.

leogachi 15

@42 Your weight doesn't define your health. I'm fat and healthy. My mother is thin with high blood pressure and several other health problems.

#43 generally speaking, overweight people have more health issues than those that stay in shape and/ or eat healthier. Weight isn't the only factor involved in a persons health, but usually it is a big indicator.

You can always wear it to the reunion :)

davek 36

YDI because whatever the numbers, you need to buy the clothes that fit you.

Sandman2015 12

Well the good news is you lost the weight, right?

Well, you finally did it. Thousands of other people are still fat and spend their time crying about some excuse for staying fat.

But they can change that you however will always be an ass.

Especially since results have shown that "fat-shaming" actually results in an increases in weight gain and health problems, whereas acceptance actually results in healthier habits and activities as a person doesn't have to deal with the hostility of people around them or even self-loathing, allowing them to put more energy into themselves.

you reached your goal though, that's something you should be very proud of :)