Never drink and text

By sadd - 23/07/2022 10:00

Today, like a drunk idiot, I texted my ex to ask if he maybe still had feelings for me. He texted back that yes, he did still have feelings for me, but then he has a wank and the feelings all disappear down the toilet wrapped in a tissue. Not gonna lie, I cried myself to sleep clutching a bottle of Schnapps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 449
You deserved it 1 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Find comfort in being single and probably stop talking to your ex.


Find comfort in being single and probably stop talking to your ex.

Maybe next time you'll be quick enough to help him out with a hand job. You can then tell people you have a boyfriend.

slhiggx 17

Drunk texts happen. He did you a favor. He was honest. Take the hard pill to swallow. Better to be sad and alone than be used and lied to.