Average SunnO))) fan

By theholt - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I saw a man on the bus with the strangest band shirt I have ever seen. I couldn't help but stare at it and try and figure out what the band was… until he turned to me and said, "Why not take a picture, asshole?" then got off the bus. As he walked away, I saw that he was missing an arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 883
You deserved it 6 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

5th!!! Don't worry. Once I was on the beach with my brother and a friend and his family. This very hot chick with a labrador at her side was jogging topless in a bikini bottom. After she had passes, my friend's mother asked all the men if we had noticed anything wierd about her. None of us had. As it turns out, she was missing an arm. Guessing I was looking a her chest.

bebz_fml 0

ah don't worry bout it, you didn't know.


nomnommonster 0

The same feeling has arisen around me also. ah, the sweet sense of familiarity.

It sounds like the one where the girl was checking out a guy, then he lifted his shopping to flex, then on the way out of the bus she said something disgusted, and he had only one arm. Is that what your thinking of? and could be same guy =P

There was another post not too far back about a cute guy missing an arm. Seems to be an epidemic.

everyone's losing arms with every second.. BTW OP ever heard of asking or are you too embaressed to talk to a stranger

ButterflyBaby 0

ya it really does. OP, just ask next time. or atleast say sorry instead of being such a bitch

people are losing arms and legs to pay for fixing the economy

myman47 0

There was one with an idiot who talked like he was challenged for a Asian guy to understand. Then the asian guy said no thanks asshole..or something I don't know..

well obviously u know that he was a vocal. kkk

scorpio95 I was thinking of that same fml!!

bebz_fml 0

ah don't worry bout it, you didn't know.

crapp I was just gonna say that thinking I was original

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I hope OP tried to apologize and explain. If he got off the bus too quickly, well, that sucks...but at least you really WEREN'T making fun of him or trying to be nasty!

MadaZer0 8

Ouch... you are an asshole :D

oogumboogum 0

5th!!! Don't worry. Once I was on the beach with my brother and a friend and his family. This very hot chick with a labrador at her side was jogging topless in a bikini bottom. After she had passes, my friend's mother asked all the men if we had noticed anything wierd about her. None of us had. As it turns out, she was missing an arm. Guessing I was looking a her chest.

iamchuck 0

It would have been win if you had spelled it right.

iamchuck 0

Today, the auto-correct feature on my phone stole my win. FML

It might have been covered by the sleeve or something. I understand staring is human nature but after every 5th one, I would be a little cranky, too. Why not just ask what band it was? Far less rude than staring at someone's shirt. If it had been a girl, it would be a different FML.

This was the first one that came to my mind :D I have it~ http://www.bandtees.com.au/images/269.jpg

Wow...how is OP an asshole. He/she was trying to figure out what was on the shirt. Maybe the OP didn't notice that the man was disfigured. If he was sitting that close to you, why didn't you ask him what was on his shirt instead of staring?