Hold tight

By Anonymous - 29/08/2019 16:00 - United States

Today, I had a really important meeting for my career. The guy I was supposed to be meeting was driving from across the state, and it was supposed to begin at noon. It's now 4. What if I leave and he shows up after having driven across the state? I don't dare move. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 778
You deserved it 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd try to call him/ his office. However, this is your first encounter with the new division of this company. If they are keeping you waiting for 4 hours without calling or e-mailing you, what does that say about the division? Do you want to work for this part of the company if they would treat an employee this way? People usually put their best foot forward when first meeting. Is this their best? If I were you, I'd use this time to do some hard thinking about working for this part of your company. You may be better off where you are or advancing in another way.

rotflqtms_ 21

I'd call him or the office to check if and when he left. He could have forgotten, he could have gotten in an accident. Won't know until you call though. (Assuming you didn't already)


rotflqtms_ 21

I'd call him or the office to check if and when he left. He could have forgotten, he could have gotten in an accident. Won't know until you call though. (Assuming you didn't already)

It depends. Is the state Rhode Island or Texas?

At least your parents don't have to worry about him getting laid... ever.

Ambrily 27

What are you even talking about?

I think he meant to post on the FML about that OP's bro throwing the home-made Tiki torch harpoon @ beach. Lol

I'd try to call him/ his office. However, this is your first encounter with the new division of this company. If they are keeping you waiting for 4 hours without calling or e-mailing you, what does that say about the division? Do you want to work for this part of the company if they would treat an employee this way? People usually put their best foot forward when first meeting. Is this their best? If I were you, I'd use this time to do some hard thinking about working for this part of your company. You may be better off where you are or advancing in another way.

Flat-out unprofessional. You made plans to be there, the guy made those same plans, then doesn't show and no one calls or emails to let you know why? that just seems like a lazy business to me.

Did you call him? Contact someone to find out if he is on the way?

what the hell? call him? why us that do difficult?

Yea, there's these new things nowadays called cell phones that an office can use to reach a given employee. Though it sounds like OP doesn't even know the # of the office cross-state.... [Face-palm]

sarahcroy20 12

Don't you people have phones????