
By Why - 02/04/2014 08:13 - Australia - Sydney

Today, for our 25th anniversary, my husband and I had dinner on a cruise ship, a dinner we had been planning for months. Upon boarding, I realized the expensive dress that I had bought just for the occasion had exactly the same print as the chair covers and the carpet. The cruise lasted 8 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 646
You deserved it 6 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

revan546 24

Camoflauge OP! Smart thinkin... They'll never get you now..

I bet your husband didn't know he married a ninja until this anniversary. How does it feel to reveal your secret?


Now if u need to hide just lay down and nobody will find you, ever. And when they call your name just lay at still as possible

Indianboy9321 25

Congrats on being married 25 years!

I don't really see the problem. I guess it's a bit embarrassing...just he happy you're happily married and hope you had a nice, romantic evening anyway :)

catanita 18

25th? That is a very long relationship and needs a special celebration. That is why a small think like this should not ruin the dinner. Congratulations are in order. I've been married for almost 5 years. 20 more to go.

Haha that's so sweet, I'm sure you'll laugh about it at your 50th Anniversary dinner :)

hippo1234 19

That word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Yes I'll have the Lobster with the side salad. and my wife will have.... honey? You there? Honey? where'd she go? I swear she walked in with me