Bad game

By Dick the Greater - 25/10/2013 22:08

Today, I took my girlfriend to meet my parents at a family dinner. There was plenty of alcohol on offer, as is normal at our get-togethers. She got blind drunk and ended up crying to my mum about how I can't please her because I have a small penis and my oral sucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 393
You deserved it 10 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

Drunken words are sober thoughts.

Good things come in tiny packages, she doesn't know what she's missing.


Dude having a small willy must be tough. I hope your put together like a god and have the face of channing tatum and ryan gosling combined.

Well now you know and she probably will not...

You should learn how to please women instead of whining about it on FML, then everyone wins. In vino veritas.

Wow. Sounds like you picked a winner there. What a disrespectful thing to do and say and to the wrong person. Also, why would you cry about that? Maybe she's just too big.

ooooommmmmmgggggg.... what did ur mom day????????

Goblin182 26

Aren't you supposed to suck at oral? At least a little.

Ooooomg. Your ego must be the size of a neuron. 0_o

YDI if it took your gf seemingly having an emotional breakdown to a stranger for you to make note of her lack of satisfaction during sex. I doubt this is the first time you were told this from her or the only inkling you had of her lack of pleasure unless you are solely/mainly focused on your own pleasure during sex besides half-hearted or short-timed failures of ***********.

"Well maybe if you had said 'no' a few more times in your life your hole wouldn't be the size of a ******* watermelon!"