Bad game

By Dick the Greater - 25/10/2013 22:08

Today, I took my girlfriend to meet my parents at a family dinner. There was plenty of alcohol on offer, as is normal at our get-togethers. She got blind drunk and ended up crying to my mum about how I can't please her because I have a small penis and my oral sucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 393
You deserved it 10 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

Drunken words are sober thoughts.

Good things come in tiny packages, she doesn't know what she's missing.


On the bright side, she likes you for more than just your sexual abilities. She is still with you despite that, and that means something!

It's painful to hear unpleasant truths. It's even more painful when its blurted out drunkenly, insensitively and publicly. The only thing that could have been worse is NOT hearing them. Having heard them, you are at risk of of blaming yourself for stuff that you're not responsible for. Don't do that. Your oral sucks? You didn't know that or it would already be better. You can work on that. Your penis size troubles her? Not your fault. And before you consider something like surgery, most penises are perfectly evolved for most women, and the problem she's identified may not be the thing that's really bothering her. Sex therapy is an option, as are sex toys. You might well feel like dumping her ass for her drunkenness and insensitivity. This would then leave you feeling that her criticisms of you are valid and you're inadequate. Everyone has baggage and problems and a new woman is not necessarily a new beginning. It's not as if you wouldn't be taking the problems from your old relationship with you. It's not as if she cheated on you. Work with her on your oral and your sex play and learn the self confidence that comes from satisfying her. Then, if she still gets embarrassingly drunk in public, drop her ass.

Suggestion: work on your foreplay skills, once you master it she'll overlook the rest...and that's when you dump her. She dos not strike me as the smart in the bunch anyway. Your mum rocks for putting up with that. What was her reaction?

Girlfriend red flag check list: 1) gets blind drunk at her first meeting with your parents. 2) gets blind drunk at dinner with your family, period! 3) brings up your private sex life with your mother. 4) complains about your sexual performance to anyone, especially to your mother! The only red flag left goes to you because she is still your girlfriend. There are plenty of far better fish in the sea. Try one who doesn't drink like a fish! FYL

why would you broadcast that to the world if its embarassing? that just gives people reason to put you down

kyu_Q 19

There are better ways to deal with private that's bothering you than by telling people about it. yes she was drunk but had she every told op that he was not her. And it's not a matter of trying. Sex is about communication. If you told let me know what feels good by talking, body language or moaning. them me trying won't help.

Well at least your mother was entertained!

My Mother would have slapped her across her foul mouth and put her foot up her ass out the door. The average Massive Mountain Gorilla only has a 1 inch penis, so if your penis is 1 inch or more, you are equal to a mountain gorilla, and yes, she could have the ****** of a cave troll and you are just fine, especially if no other lovers in your life have complained. As for oral, lots of guys are bad at it, because their technique is that of a large dog at a bowl of water. This is the internet, check out some lesbian related sites, lots of them will give advice on how to give good head as a service to femdom.

MsMourningStar 22

That is the fault of both of you. Yours for not doing research and figuring out something that would please her and hers before not teaching you.

Sounds like your girlfriend may not be into you, OP. If she's not into having sex with you, that's not a good sign. I say break it off and move on.