Bad game

By Dick the Greater - 25/10/2013 22:08

Today, I took my girlfriend to meet my parents at a family dinner. There was plenty of alcohol on offer, as is normal at our get-togethers. She got blind drunk and ended up crying to my mum about how I can't please her because I have a small penis and my oral sucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 393
You deserved it 10 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

Drunken words are sober thoughts.

Good things come in tiny packages, she doesn't know what she's missing.


pinchepriscyla 9

Get drunk at the next family meeting, start to cry and complain that you simply can´t satisfy your girlfriend, because she is so wide and worn, it feels like throwing a sausage into a sports hall.

DenBriZel 31

I agree maybe you should try harder? If a guy tries hard enough I'm sure they can do it.

ulissey_fml 22

I'm curious to know what is going to come out of the SECOND get-together ?? If she makes it.

Woah... Well first of all, let me tell you that size really doesn't matter. But don't put up with her saying that stuff to your MOM! Dump her ass.

68 - size does matter and how one wields it matter too.Small size can work okay if wielded properly.

73, I didn't realise you were a women. Like I said, size DOESN'T matter. It's all about technique.

Studies show it only takes 3 and a half inches to please a woman.

A link to those studies? I've never seen any study stating such in fact the ****** gap and the 30% chance of female ****** would show that it takes much more than 3/5'' of d*ck to please a gal. It seems you may be misunderstanding the studies stating the location of the g-spot and the g-spot being 3.5'' doesn't mean that's all it takes to please a gal when it comes to d*ck size since unlike the finger the d*ck is not as flexible to crook and bend to hit the g-spot. Size matters for both genders with big vaginas guys get a lose of sensation and with small d*cks gals get a lose of penetration sense, the rebounding effect of the d*ck on her vaginal walls, and the hot spots length can reach.

JMichael 25