Bad idea

By Anonymous - 29/06/2024 16:00 - United States - Herndon

Today, I went on a first date with a guy. It’s a little awkward so I went to the bathroom to do two bumps of coke, came back to the table, and realized it was ketamine. I didn’t tell him, but I was so fucked up, he offered to get me an Uber home but I told him I called my mom to pick me up instead. He left and unmatched me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42
You deserved it 1 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your life is headed toward train-wreck-ville

Go to rehab or something. No decent guy wants a drug addicted junkie. YDI


Yeah I can see why you posted this. unrelated news, can I have your number?