Bad omen

By Anonymous - 18/06/2024 05:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend apparently lied to me when he'd said we could get a dog one day. I bought a puppy for him in secret but as soon as he saw it he was all, "What the hell is that? We’re not keeping it." It’s now with his parents, as he didn’t want it overnight or even in the house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 270
You deserved it 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Getting a dog one day (when you have a house and yard) is not the same as getting a surprise dog.

Getting a puppy in secret when you live with someone is kind of a bad idea.


Getting a dog one day (when you have a house and yard) is not the same as getting a surprise dog.

Keep the dog, get rid of the boyfriend

Getting a puppy in secret when you live with someone is kind of a bad idea.

Pets and kids should be mutual decisions. Ydi