By alaina2001 - 07/05/2015 22:22 - United States - Massillon

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because someone asked him if we were dating and he lied and said no. He said he didn't want to be a liar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 527
You deserved it 2 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Assuming that was his actual excuse, he still lied. Because in the period of time between him saying 'no' and you two breaking up, you were still dating.


she's a loser too 4 dating someone who dosn't like her !!

What probably happened: Hot girl is interested in him, asks if he's dating OP. Boyfriend says "no" (fairly common thing for guys to lie about). Boyfriend dumps OP to have a chance with hot girl. FYL, OP

Swandive235 27

Good to know he's faithful. FYL

This has nothing to do with being faithful? Just a douchy stupid boyfriend.

ZombieVampirez 24

Assuming that was his actual excuse, he still lied. Because in the period of time between him saying 'no' and you two breaking up, you were still dating.

And if he made it up, he's still lying. Either way, his pants are on fire.

That's assuming that time is linear.

LittleMissShadow 16

If he's gonna be like that you don't need him anyway!

If he can't claim you, he's not worth it. Sorry op.

What an ass. Good riddance op, hopefully you'll find someone soon

Hang in there OP you will meet a honest person.

Sounds like your better off without that guy.

He sounds really immature & honestly you don't want to be with someone like this. It will hurt for awhile but actually it's one step closer to finding the right guy.