Bad timing

By marie12 - 27/03/2011 01:19 - Belgium

Today, I had dinner with three friends to forget about the painful break up with my boyfriend. The first friend announced that she and her boyfriend had just bought a house, the second one that he was no longer single, and the third one revealed that she was pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 435
You deserved it 5 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

could be worse, one of them could have announced they had just gotten together with your ex-boyfriend. Down some martinis and be happy


batgirl_babygirl 0

wow your friends suck at makin you feel better

maybe they thought she would be so happy for them that it would lift her mood. atleast while they were out together. don't get your friends together to forget about an ex and be all depressed, they don't deserve you making them feel bad cause you don't like something going on in your life.

wait a second all she wanted was a little pick me up. her friends were being rude by doing that. she was not being selfish.

if you invite me to dinner with two other friends and I'm so excited about something that I wanted to tell everyone, you shouldn't expect me not to tell you just because you had just gone through a horrible break up. yeah I would still feel sad with u cause of your BU but I wouldn't let your problems bring me down from cloud 9 and would hope my news would lift your spirits atleast alittle.

omg you guys say that but you wouldn't be happy so leave the girl alone

haleykerr 0

quit acting like you know how people would react. honestly despite a horrible break up, if my friend told me she was pregnant that would put me In the most amazing mood because I can look past what's going on in my life and be happy for someone else. it's not like anyone died, so be happy!!

prettybirdq 0

Oh poor you, other people have happiness in their lives when you are sad. Learn how to be happy for other people, the world doesn't revolve around you. Everyone has shitty times and everyone has happy times!

haleykerr 0

get over yourself and be happy for your friends

LAURz_fml 0

I know the feeling. that happend to me but it's wht ever. put on a happy face and get piss drunk and get a hot guy to take you home :)

AKALurch 0
sallen0046 4

Adult lives revolve around relationships and children, which therefore dominate conversation. Unless you planned to discuss your careers all evening, there's really no other way you would have avoided being reminded. You can't expect other people's lives to stop and suddenly revolve around needs that you haven't even expressed just because you have a bad day.