
By non-baker - 18/03/2015 02:12 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I baked a cake for when my mum came home. I did everything I needed to do and put it in the oven, set the timer and went to do some things around the house. When my mum came home, she asked why there was a uncooked cake mix sitting in the oven. I forgot to turn the oven on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 136
You deserved it 9 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ktiskool 18

At least you didn't burn it...?

Sorry to hear that OP, Always preheat the oven when you are mixing the cake mix :) so you don't forget and so it has plenty of time to heat up.


That's a great moment to laugh about. Be glad you didn't burn it or the house down.

I've did that twice with pizza and cake. lol

Don't feel too bad. You aren't the only person who has done this, and many more will do it.

Delsanity 13

Tell her the surprise was to make the cake together haha. Sorry about that OP but i bet she know that it was something you made for her.

I have done that before, i preheated the oven and then put the food in it and instead of hitting the timer i turned the oven off. I hope your cake turned out good after you cooked it.

it's the thought that counts. I say well done. your mum is lucky

it's the thought that counts right? and hey, you can start it, and then have two people there so theres no chance of burning it

I hope the cake was good in the end, and it was a nice thing to do, hope your mother appreciated it