By JadedBaker - 08/07/2012 06:58 - United States
Same thing different taste
Bad doggo
By babyboomerang - 12/05/2009 11:16 - United States
The cake from hell
By Anonymous - 24/03/2023 18:00
By jace17 - 24/08/2010 08:34 - United States
By thissucks - 21/02/2011 22:20 - United States
By non-baker - 18/03/2015 02:12 - Australia - Melbourne
By shinee - 15/08/2010 16:05 - Singapore
By JaneDoe - 04/04/2013 02:51 - United States - Salisbury
By Anonymous - 04/11/2010 23:28 - United Kingdom
By I'm so sorry... - 01/03/2017 16:00
By 3.14 - 08/02/2012 11:27 - United Kingdom
Top comments
OP, your mother is a bitch.
Op did your mom also ground you for not telling her what her birthday present was? If so, I think she knows she's a bitch
72) OP's can, and sometimes do, reply to comments on their FML
And?? Just take it out and eat it!! Don't waste food!!!!
She ruined your cake; ruin her diet by injecting bacon into her vegetables.
She's probably a fat ass who knows next to nothing about dieting. Freakin idiot
Op's mom is a ..... Tell her next time to ask about the cake and never throw it away. She owes someone a new cake even if she is on a diet. Also, how did Op's mom not know about it?
Allthough that probably wouldn't feel, look and taste as good or even similar it is one solution. The other solution would be to make her help you baking a new one and let her pay for the ingredients.
Make her BAKE another one
Yeah then eat it!!!
I'd call her a bitch [right in front of her its]!
Omg! What is wrong with her? How can you throw out a three tier cake? So sorry OP.
Hire a tow truck to scrap your moms car then say “I'm sorry but it was tempting me to go joyriding”
Or burn all her cash and credit cards and say I'm sorry they were tempting me to steal them.
73- now that's just stupid
A 3 tier cake is pretty big...I don't think that would have worked very well.
I usually hide cakes by eating them. I never find them again....
She might of never thought that she needed it to his from anybody!
Baustigt, this is clearly a job for the Idiot-English Translation Engine. *whirr* *click* *bzzz* *DING* "She might never have thought that she needed to hide it from anybody! I sniffed paint thinner and skunk fumes just before typing this!" You're welcome.
You know guys, 47 only missed like two words. She said "She might of never thought that she needed it to his from anybody" so really just change HIS to HID and move TO HID so it's before IT and the sentence makes perfect sense. Two step process people.
105- not nearly as funny though...
Blaackandproud - By your logic, her comment would be "She might of never thought that she needed to hid it from anybody" which still is a grammar nightmare. The phrase "might of" does not exist unless you're using "might" as a noun (eg, "This herculean task will require the might of 1000 men").
I don't understand why #4 has so many thumbs down when all he said was to hide it somewhere..? That seems reasonable, i mean i have a family of 6 and i'd probably do the same...... Unless he got thumbed down because he said "shoulda"?
The amount of rage that would well up within me could never be measured by any means of the measurement system, should I have been in that situation... Your mother had a lousy excuse and I really hope she does something to make up for her selfish behavior.
This x100. Maybe I'm over-reacting, but cooking is something that's very important to me, and I hate to see hours of hard work even slightly ruined by crappy icing or an accidental hole poked in it. I couldn't imagine my rage if someone actually THREW OUT something I'd made. D:
I could imagine your reaction 22. To people watching, it could be from somewhat humorous to "HOLY HELL! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"
Same here... Certain FML's just tick me off & this one takes cake... Sorry, I couldn't help myself... I know, I know. Thumb me down. I deserve it.
I found you pun funny and worthy of a thumbs up.. it just puts the icing on the FML cake.
You know, what if op's mom lied about throwing it away? I bet she ate it. least she thought the cake looked good?
Whatever happened to common sense! If a three tier cake was sitting in my fridge I wouldn't touch it even if i weren't on a diet cause it would obviously be for an occasion! Didn't it occur to her that someone has put a lot of their precious time and money into it?
#71, that's probably why she threw it out cuz she wasn't allowed to eat it and got jealous and threw it away so no one could have it
That's too obvious. Sabotage her diet! Weight gain energy bars!
Is the tone of work the alarm clock in the morning? That tone sucks. At least I can get some peaceful cake to calm my nerves
As much as the idea of a peace cake intrigues me (make cake not war?) my grammar Nazi fingers are twitching and I cant help but correct them. Its TON or TONNE not tone and your after PIECE of cake (or at least I am.. yum)

Wow, that's hella selfish, I would make her buy one to make up for it.
The amount of rage that would well up within me could never be measured by any means of the measurement system, should I have been in that situation... Your mother had a lousy excuse and I really hope she does something to make up for her selfish behavior.