Been around the world and I, I, I, I can't find my luggage

By 1942ford - 23/07/2013 02:18 - United States - Lynnwood

Today, I called an airline to try to locate a bag I left on a flight. When I told the phone rep which airport I flew into, he asked me what city it was in. He paused after I told him, then asked me what state Seattle is in. I don't think I'll be getting my bag back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 217
You deserved it 3 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chellybelly92 14

That's some good Edmacation right there.


Great to know people spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on education to get a great job are jobless, but someone who doesn't know simple geography can.

if those people tried to apply to this job, I'm sure they'd be accepted. you just don't know how exhausting it is to work in an airport. most people don't even consider it as an option.

CharresBarkrey 15

Unless you got an MD or PhD or both, I don't see how you would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on education and be jobless.

TheDrifter 23

10% of jobs require a degree. 30%+ go on to higher education, anyone see where the problem comes in? There are far too many graduates in the "popular" fields for the jobs available, so tens of thousands of students a year are wasting years and dollars on degrees they will never use.

37- here's one way: my education is costing me approximately $20,000 a year and I will be in school for at least 6 years to get my degree to become a teacher. So since there are no teaching jobs here, I'm spending over one hundred thousand dollars on education to be jobless, unless I move to Europe or possibly America.

@54 well, you would be spending $120000, that is just slightly over one hundred thousand, so not really hundreds of thousands

RedPillSucks 31

Gotta talk to someone that's knows the birth place of grunge music. :P

To the person's defense he could have been asking just for clarification. I mean if someone says they're going to Paris you would assume France. But it could just be Texas.

Good point. I'm in Florida and we also have a "Hollywood" and a "Naples" here but I don't think there's a "Seattle" anywhere else other than Washington State.(:

There's a Paris, Maine and Naples, Maine too. There is a Portland, Maine, not to be confused with Portland, Oregon on the opposite coast! So I agree with him asking.

Plus there is a possibility that there had been prank calls lately and the person on the phone was trying to confirm it as a legitimate lost luggage call. Asking questions like what city the airport is in and what state the city is in could help verify that. (Your average prank callers wouldn't double check things enough to keep the tall tale going farther than those questions.)

I guess our Paris here in Texas is more well known than the one in Maine because of its mini Eiffel Tower decorated with boots and a cowboy hat. :) That's probably why they said Texas instead of another one. There is probably a Paris in every state.

RedPillSucks 31

Also, the person on the phone could have been outsourced. Who know where he/she is from?

Grauncho 27

Poor guy. You made his little head hurt.

Seattle is clearly a province in Canada. It's right between Ontario and Quebec. Tell him that Canada is on top of America near the North pole, incase he doesn't know

I knew Canada was on top of America, but, being a non-America I would like to know.. Is Canada giving it it taking?

I totally sympathize, OP. I've lost my bags before and it sucks. Plus it takes forever to get them back. Maybe go back to the airport and deal with the lost and found department directly? Hope you get it back

cloud720 5

I don't know why the OP assumes that everyone should know that. I knew where Seattle was but I don't know where every city in America is. I don't think there are many people that do know where every city is. It seems like the only fool is the person that walk off the plane without their bag.

I disagree that the airline rep shouldn't have known what state that was in. I would think that it would be part of their job to know where major/popular cities are. I can understand not knowing every tiny little hick town but not Seattle? That's like a mechanic not knowing where the spark plugs are? Now if he doesn't know where Seattle is? That's forgivable-- that's not his job requirement. :P

cloud720 5

Even if you do believe that the representative should have the common knowledge, you still can't base how knowledgeable they are off of one question. How would you know that they didn't have a lapse of memory in that one moment? I have been guilty of that, we all have. Plus the representative was probably preoccupied filling out a form that required city then state. They were trying to help and I don't think they should be thought of as an idiot for that.

mansen 15

The rep should have this thing called a computer in front of him. And in that computer it should have a magical program that allows him to access where terminals are. So, you tell the rep that you were in the Seattle airport, he can put that into the computer and voila, it will tell him the information he needs to know, like what state it is in. I have worked customer rep for a cell company and pretty much all the programs have that, confirmed with the other reps from other companies I have talked to. Then again, I have had the luck of encountering furious people that incurred roaming charges for using their phones in Canada, annd the thought Canada was a part of the U.S.; same deal with using their phone in Mexico....

RedPillSucks 31

I can understand the phone thing. Canada and Mexico are all in the "North American Numbering Plan", so is most of the Caribbean and lots of other places. When you dial you don't always have to put in a country code, so people probably think there's no roaming. But phone companies do that stuff to make extra $$$

That moment when you realize there are idiots who have a job and you don't.

What is obvious to you may not be to others.

SleeplessBeauty 12

How you could you not know what state the coffee capital is in??