Best gift ever

By Reihna - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Marion

Today, it's my birthday. I spent $100 on myself, using it to set up an account so that my son could call me from jail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 980
You deserved it 4 274

Top comments

I've heard you can get a pretty decent bundle package with that. You get 30 min with your son and 30 min with his cell mate Bubba.


This 'I'm gonna pretend to be someone/something because it's SO funny' shit is really getting old. Be original please. I'm sure you have some originality deep down in there.

Jail or prison? Hopefully when he gets out, he'll make it up to you.

But some people dot know the difference between jail and prison.

But some people dot know the difference between jail and prison.

Come on 12, you are a machine man. Your processors just can't understand our human humor.

agonydrum 7

The plus side of living in a medically advanced age is that there will probably be plenty of birthdays to come they can't all suck

Sorta deserved it if you did something to get in jail...

Ever heard of being falsely convicted? Not everyone in jail has committed a crime.

TheDrifter 23

We've all committed crimes, just not necessarily the ones we have been incarcerated for.

"Haven't you heard? We're ALL innocent!"

SenselessPattern 12

I tried to pass off serial rape as lifeguard instructions, but the judge didn't agree with me. Just 40 years to go! See ya there, Sandusky!

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

Haven't you heard? The bird is the word! Ba ba ba bird bird bird, the bird is the word!

Halloween and FML are not the same thing. Speaking O' which, are you celebrating Guy Fawkes day, Alan?

Hopefully it's a plan with alot of minutes