Best gift ever

By Reihna - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Marion

Today, it's my birthday. I spent $100 on myself, using it to set up an account so that my son could call me from jail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 980
You deserved it 4 274

Top comments

I've heard you can get a pretty decent bundle package with that. You get 30 min with your son and 30 min with his cell mate Bubba.


ViviMage 38

Was he in jail before your birthday?

op, you shoulda spent the money on a real present, and sent him a letter that said "FYL, you deserve it!"

i feel sorry for you OP, FYL and i hope other people remember your birthday:-)

Today's my birthday too!! Happy birthday, it sucks that your son is in jail but my mom does the same stuff and my brother never I least your son still cares?

He's lucky to have you OP. You make your time in there so much more productive when you have someone positive looking out for you on the outside.

Lmao I had done the same when my husband was locked up -_-

I wouldn't give anyone money to call me from jail & my kids know it so, they stay out of trouble!

OhTehIronyHurts 4

Soo... you have computers in jail..?