Better out than in

By Anonymous - 06/11/2018 05:00

Today, my daughter told me her tummy hurt, but I assumed she was lying because she hates visiting grandma. About 20 minutes into the car ride, she got excited and said, "Mum my tummy doesn’t hurt anymore!" About 10 seconds later, the smell filled the car right up to the roof. It was diarrhoea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 730
You deserved it 3 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

I'm more concerned that visiting your mother is so awful for her that you think she would fake sickness. Like maybe she shouldn't be forced to see her if she's that bad?

My parents learned a similar lesson when they thought I was faking that I was going to be sick, and they claimed that I was jealous because it was my brother's birthday. A stream of projectile vomit later, and they finally admitted I was right, and I had food poisoning. I've never been able to trust them with food since.


My parents learned a similar lesson when they thought I was faking that I was going to be sick, and they claimed that I was jealous because it was my brother's birthday. A stream of projectile vomit later, and they finally admitted I was right, and I had food poisoning. I've never been able to trust them with food since.

anayanci1 6
tounces7 27

I'm more concerned that visiting your mother is so awful for her that you think she would fake sickness. Like maybe she shouldn't be forced to see her if she's that bad?

snake_gal 8

I never liked going to grandma's it wasn't her fault, I just found it too and was forced to go, when I'd rather play with friends or relax after a long week of school etc. might be same

Sofia94_fml 15

One time we were walking for some place to home and I felt like shit. I kept saying I don't feel good the whole and kept asking if we could get a ride instead and my mom thought I was just being lazy. When we reached home, threw up all over the floor.

That's why I don't care what the persons age is, and my first question is "Do you have to go to the bathroom?" because half the time... that's the answer

PenguinPal3017 19

Now that's what I call a sticky situation!

maroongrad 13

Um, kids usually LOVE visiting the grandparents. Are your parental warning bells not going off??? Hopefully she got out of this visit!

I will never be ready for children Nope nope nope

A similar thing happened to my daughter. She told me she felt carsick and I told her she was lying because she had only recently claimed she was feeling carsick because her best friend had said she was.... 2 minutes later my daughter vomited in our car... for me it was lesson learnt the hard way.

I've been there too. I remember when I was about 7 years old traveling home from the beach with my bucket of crabs. ended up using the crab bucket as a barf bucket. those poor crabs. I also remember in 5th grade telling my mom I was sick, she didn't believe me. when I ended up puking all over the classroom, and she had to come to school to pick me up, she believe me then