By cwell88 - 21/06/2015 13:29

Today, my bike was stolen. These things happen, so I went to work. On my walk to work, a girl pulls up on my bike and says I needed to fix the brakes, someone could kill themselves. She hands the bike to me and runs off. Not even 3 minutes pass before police surrounded me and accused me of stealing my own bike. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 778
You deserved it 1 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow today is just not your day, what did the cops say?

It sounds like someone was trying to prank you, what a weird day OP!


the police surrounded you? surrounded? for a bike?

You must live in a small town OP. What police force has the time to "surround" someone over a stolen bike?

Where do you live that the cops have time to chase down bike thieves?