Bitch move

By Anonymous - 14/12/2011 16:53 - United Kingdom

Today, after returning to the UK from my Australian holiday, I was fired from my job for no reason. My boss told me he'd waited till I'd returned to do it. I could have stayed in Australia with my mates traveling for a year if I had been fired before I left. I'm sure he did it on purpose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 925
You deserved it 2 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rcloca 10
Pufferfish78 5

What's stopping you from going back?


Thank god in Canada, the employer has to prove just cause. fyl op!

I'm sorry, its unfortunate that you got fired, but something doesn't match up here. It sounds like your one of those people who expect the world on a silver platter for no other reason than because you're you. You may not even realize it, but that's just how you sound. I doubt your boss is out to just spite you and end your wonderful vacation for no good reason.

perdix 29

Oh, there was a reason. He wanted you to deal with the bleak, dark English winter rather than traipsing about in the glorious, Australian summer. Something tells me you got fired for more than slightly-less-than-mediocre performance. And don't you people say sacked anyways?

Sacked before the sodding return party, I do hope the ol' boy saved a few pounds for the pub later.....

Time to go back to australia and travel and drink beer with your mates.

mrcrackerdan 0

he did that in respect of your trip, take it as a positive.

That's so messed up. But does he have a reason to not like you?

I'm sure he had some reason... at any rate, how rude!

Sanch101 7

In the UK, unless you are either in a trial period or on a temporary contract, the employer needs to give you a verbal warning followed by two written warnings prior to firing you. Based on this either you have messed up a few times in the past and were on borrowed time anyway, were not employed on a permanent basis with them, or your boss has screwed you over and its time for an unfair dismissal case.

That Is So Messed Up ! I Would Have Slapped Him!