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By annoyed - 14/12/2011 14:06 - United States

Today, my husband changed the voice on my car's GPS to Mr T's. I don't know how to change it back. I've been saying, "I pity the fool" over and over again ever since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 178
You deserved it 5 489

Same thing different taste


madgrinchhatter 12

That sounds pretty cool actually. Not an FML at all.

That's a pretty awesome prank. Kudos to your husband.

Your husband is awesome. You're lucky I wish I had a man like that.

I'd consider that a favour rather than a prank! I'd love a Mr. T GPS. Sadly I don't even have a car!

bibbster18 11

YDI for seeing an issue with this and being so useless you can't adjust the settings on a GPS device. I mean come on, a child could figure it out.

monkeebalz 0

Russian: Turn left comrade, for mother russia. In soviet russia car drives you!

My GPS has a rasta voice. I love the directions in patois! :-)

TheBitchOfChuckN 7

106-In Soviet Russia, road forks you!

rcloca 10

Whoa. That's pretty cool. Just kidding. How rude.

rcloca 10

This was a REALLY suckish comment. Sorry guys.

Steve95401 49

OP should just read the instruction manual - it shouldn't be difficult to change the voice back to the factory setting.

captainsuperdawg 0

True, but why would you want to?

Capt_Oblivious 10

Mr T giving you direction in life now.

Torva_fml 16

I'm wondering what kid of gps has mr T voice programmed into it. I must buy such a product.

dillies 3 I can't believe I found it :D. Whoop whoop

It could be a TomTom GPS, I have Mr T on mine...

To get revenge, blow him up with the mohawk gernade, the kind Mr. T has. I pity the fool.

Lol when did wow come to real Life..... On wait

I pity the foo that doesn't turn right ahead!

nublets 12

Im Mr. T and im a night elf Mohawk!!

YourDrunkle 4

Am I missing the FML? Isn't their a site called my life is winning where this would fit better?

tylersign 11

Your profile picture is freakin awesome! I can't wait until spring when the caterpillars come out!

I pity the fool who considers this an FML. I'm off to figure out how I can do that to my gps. ~Cue the A-Team theme music~