Risky business

By Anonymous - 28/02/2022 04:00

Today, after getting a new remote job and traveling to the Bahamas while working remote, without asking my employer, because I figured they wouldn't find out and I didn't want them to say no. IT ended up tracking my computer and telling HR I was overseas and I got fired after I returned from my trip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 399
You deserved it 2 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you read the documents that came when you were hired? It seems they would have spelled out where you could and couldn't perform your remote work. If they didn't, you should sue them for wrongful termination. Most employees don't have access to data that is internationally sensitive.

Marcella1016 31

I agree with this one. I’ve telecommuted while overseas and it worked out beautifully. In this case, I did have approval for the trip as it was a mix of leave and telecommuting. But still. Even if you didn’t explicitly ask permission, I think it seems like an overreaction by your employer. If you work remote and they didn’t spell out where you can and can’t work, plus you were still getting your assignments done in a timely manner...why would they fire you??


Did you read the documents that came when you were hired? It seems they would have spelled out where you could and couldn't perform your remote work. If they didn't, you should sue them for wrongful termination. Most employees don't have access to data that is internationally sensitive.

Marcella1016 31

I agree with this one. I’ve telecommuted while overseas and it worked out beautifully. In this case, I did have approval for the trip as it was a mix of leave and telecommuting. But still. Even if you didn’t explicitly ask permission, I think it seems like an overreaction by your employer. If you work remote and they didn’t spell out where you can and can’t work, plus you were still getting your assignments done in a timely manner...why would they fire you??

The part where OP says " I figured they wouldn't find out and I didn't want them to say no" .... hints that they knew they weren't supposed to leave the country without notifying the company. So, yeah, fired.

Yeah, companies take a dim view of employees who play fast and loose because they know what they're doing is wrong.

Most likely security issues if you are taking a company laptop to another country. Some IT companies will block connections to their VPN if they don't recognize the endpoint or its coming from an unfamiliar place. Someone in my wife's company tried doing the same thing, the person went to Nigeria without telling anyone and IT was blocking VPN connections from that country because of past hacking attempts. Guess who got busted and then sacked?

Do you really want to work for a company full of snitches?

wrenavery90 12