Bizarre Love Triangle

By awkward - 27/02/2011 12:39 - Finland

Today, my mom got me a job working for the man she's cheating on my dad with. My dad doesn't know that she's cheating, and my mom doesn't know that I know. It's just awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 831
You deserved it 4 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you thought about maybe confronting your mom? I mean, how can you carry on with your daily life knowing that your mom is cheating on your dad? On principle alone, I wouldn't work for the guy that my mom is having an affair with. Grow a pair and talk to your parents.


oqt 0

I'm in that same situation except I told my mom and she still does it , it pisses me the **** off and I yell and scream at her all the time but it works great for getting exactly what you want hahaha, I mean it's a horrible situation to be in but I don't wanna tell my dad I love him to much to have him know and be hurt more than if i just kept quiet ya know?....

dianadoll 23

that is exactly what I an going through! it's the worst I hate it. and my mom actually bought me all kinds of clothes and earings. ugh I hate her

oqt 0

oh an the worst part is she says she feels bad and sorry and all this shit but every time she says she's gonna stop she goes and I catch her cheating again I've caught her at least 5 times, just hang in there though, I'm glad I'm not the only one who this has happened to though it makes my life seem a little less effed up hahah

bigboston 0

I probably wouldn't work for the guy

If You know ur mom is cheating and ur dad doesn't .........You don't need a job! hint hint

supahnazi 0

whoevers saying "u can get a raise" is not considering how selfish tht is towards the op's dad. i kinda think he shuld no

b00z3nw33d 0

do the right thing kill your ***** of a mother

MoFro 4